King and the People in Morocco, 1950-1959

Drawn from the U.S. State Department Central Classified Files, the content of this collection provide essential and unique documentation on a wide variety of topics relating to Moroccan internal affairs from 1950 to 1959. These topics include: U.S. support for nationalists, Istiqlal Party terrorism, the Arab League's anti-French attitude, French exchange controls in Morocco, French settler concerns of spread of Algerian civil war, Pan-Arabism Berber support of French administration and army, the installation of French-puppet Sultan, economic and financial reforms, the exodus of Moroccan Jewry, Islamic society and Berberism, decolonization, development of the agricultural sector, industrial development, immigration and emigration, development of the textile industry, foreign trade and investment, and Marshall aid to Morocco.
Social Sciences
Political Science
Economic Policy
International Relations